P90X (Round 1)

Day 1
Day 1 Photos.
Day 30
Day 30 Photos.
Day 60
Day 60 photos.

One of the items on my 30 by 30 list was to complete Tony Horton's famous P90X workout.

I started doing a few of the workouts over the course of the summer to get myself a little more acquainted with the workouts, but I never really started the actual program and scheduled workouts.

I wanted to start on the Monday after Christmas 2011, but I didn't have resistance bands/weights yet, and I hadn't yet restocked my fridge with the ridiculous amount of food to do the nutrition plan. My friend Dave Brown started the day after Christmas, and I started the day after New Year's, January 2nd 2012.

I figured why not be cliche and start working out with the new year.

So day 1 is in the books and the fridge is full. I will occasionally track my progress here on this blog but I have decided to use the Team Beachbody site to track my day-to-day progress. My main goal being to shed the squishiness I have recently accumulated in my mid section and gain some muscle mass and eat better.

I am hoping to return to the physical shape I was in the summer before I got sick in high school before my junior year (2000). That was probably the best shape and strongest I ever was. If I remember right I weighed about 165 lbs. and had a max bench of 210, but I just felt great and that is what I hope to do with P90X.

Feel free to check in on my progress and read my daily blog posts on my Team Beachbody page.

Day 1Day 30Day 60

All Day 1 Photos
All Day 30 Photos.
All Day 60 photos.