10 November 2010

Email Hijacking and Viagra from Canada

Dear Friend,

I feel bad that you probably opened up your email this morning and found my name resting in your inbox, but when you opened up the email it was a link supporting a pharmacy in Canada. This has already happened to a lot of my friends on numerous email providers (yahoo, gmail, hotmail) and now it has happened to me. I first want to apologize for the email and the disappointment when it really wasn't from me. I secondly want to apologize for any emails selling you viagra and cialis that may continue to come in the future. I send this email out to warn you. I suggest any of your emails you use you setup the appropriate sign-in security procedures such as sign in seals and secret questions.

For more info about sign-in seals here is Yahoo!'s page, the other providers have similar procedures:

I have always tried to stay safe on the web, but it is getting tougher and tougher these days. If something like this has already happened to, I apologize and feel your pain, I also suggest you do everything you can to report the suspected culprits. This is really the only defense we have against them. Companies like Yahoo! and Gmail and Hotmail unfortunately will/can do very little about this. See these links for more help on reporting these evil, illegitimate, companies:






I again apologize and hope this helps protect you.

My heart is torn when people are taken advantage of. One's identity is an intimate part of them, that when taken you can't help but feel angry and passionate about. This is why I want to get the word out. I am not the first to have their email hijacked and I won't be the last, but I feel we should inform each other about these things before they happen. These are the reasons I have always wanted to be in the communications and legal profession, and this instance has solidified my resolve to continue to pursue them.

My apologies again.

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